Where's Kate? | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee March 1, 2021

Where's Kate?

By Keith Macri with 6.7

dark comedy · Short Films · english

Straddling a serious genre, often marked and defined by its grimness, with something like humor that lies on the other extreme, is never an easy task. The decision to do so is especially a courageous one for if things go wrong, they can go terribly, irrevocably wrong. The short film aims for the same, mixing thriller with humor to present forth the dark comedy of a dinner party, and ensures that all its punches land at the intended destination.

The scene is of a meal table dominated by tacos and avocados, where four characters attempt to comfort a man whose girlfriend Kate went missing about two days ago. The backbone of this premise is further formed by technology and its deep infestation in the form of social media marketing and its omnipresence in our lives. Consequently, if you are indeed planning the murder of your partner, there would almost always be enough evidence of the act on your devices and in your search history, no matter how hard you try to hide your tracks.

The film portrays all of this and more in an entertaining, engaging manner, keeping you involved in its developments throughout. There comes a point when it may appear that the narrative is headed towards a foregone conclusion. However, it leads you to that point, simply to foil all expectations, neatly tying the ends together at its close.
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