Padmavyuha | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee September 7, 2020


By Raj Krishna with 6.7

thriller · Short Films · english

Padmavyuha, also known by its more familiar name chakravyuha, refers to a defence position used in the Indian epic Maharabharata, which draws the opponent in till he is at the centre of the enemy's circle, entirely enclosed without any escape possible. The short film invokes the idea of this military circle at the centre of the mystery it engages with - the disappearance of an American journalist who was working on the SSR, a Hindu extremist organisation.

Throughout its length, the film brings to the fore several Hindu texts from the Gita to the Vedas, from Manu Smriti to Kama Sutra, in thought, conversation or through visuals, adding texture to the story. Simultaneously, religious extremism is engaged from a vantage point of academics, scholarly pursuit, spirituality and philosophy. The power dynamics of politics and how it comes to control the truth narrative of a society is another important concern of the plot, presented before the viewer while discussing the formation of religion, culture and their eventual contribution to history.

The plot of the film deals with ideas of faith, both institutional and spiritual, the reason of one's existence, what drives and motivates people, and how all of it comes to mould their entire lives. A la Robert Langdon, we see our academic protagonist deciphering codes and unearthing deep, dark secrets that can potentially cost him his life. There is mystery, suspense, betrayals and unidentified voices that guide both the protagonist and the viewer down some very treacherous paths. The film is sincere in its effort to share its story.

Padmavyuha employs important intellectual pursuits as its subject matter and offers an involving story, marked by its secrecy, and devotion to weave a convincing plot for the audience. It's biggest triumph, however, remains its objectivity, irrespective of the views of the characters. The film is relevant in its approach to thematic concerns that include religion, faith, spirituality, words and ideas which are now becoming increasingly common and significant in regular parlay of contemporary times, but are also marked by sensitivity and an emotional fragility that can prove to be explosive if handled without the right expertise and maturity. It is precisely this skill to interact with the top it had ventured out to dwell upon that becomes the most notable aspect of the narrative, along with its commitment to storytelling.