I Don't Like Shitting in Public | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee June 18, 2024

I Don't Like Shitting in Public

By Ken Abalos with 6.6

comedy · Short Films · english

The protagonist has found himself in a very uncomfortable situation. He needs to use the lavatory presto, and yet, the one invincible enemy that stands between the toilet and him relieving himself is none other than his own fear of using a public toilet. And thus begins this misadventure from which there is no turning away.

He runs from pole to pillar, skips work, promising his colleague that he will return in time for an imminent meeting, a promise both he and the viewer know has slim chances of witnessing fulfillment, and yet, on and on the protagonist pursues. The film is marked by the dedication of its cast to their performances, alongside a judicious utilization of the limited resources in terms of the production value, one that works in its favor.

The end result is a lighthearted, humorous film, presenting to the viewer how the protagonist eventually does overcome his fear. But would it be in the manner you might have been led to expect? There is indeed a deliberate subversion of this expectation in the conclusion the narrative presents.
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