Forward: Too Late | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee August 22, 2021

Forward: Too Late

By Christopher Booth with 6.4

drama · Short Films · english

Too Late, the first instalment in the web series Forward, presents to us the many complications of its protagonist's life that are about to take the form of full-blown chaos. We are introduced to Nick who is leaving the house of the woman he is secretly having an affair with, while having completely forgotten a very important event in his son's life.

As he heads out, he receives a phone call from his wife that becomes the decisive moment of the episode. It is at this juncture that the action of the narrative is realized following which Nick's world comes crashing down.

The first episode sets the premise in motion and leaves the viewer wondering about the fate of the characters they have interacted with so far. It ends at a crucial moment; now that the characters have been introduced and the audience taken into their world, fate of the former remains a potentially interesting preoccupation for the latter's imagination.
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