The film takes the viewer into the highly thrilling world of the Milk Box Girls, the skiing trio that is on their unstoppable path of taming one snow-covered slope after another. The realm of ‘Con Artist’ is constituted by the most exhilarating and skilfully crafted visuals of the outdoors, interspersed with the con that the characters execute within this experimental narrative.
Be it adventure sports or the heist unfolding before us, the characters simply refuse to give up. In the process, the subsequent story and plot become one about the indomitable human spirit, but more importantly, the inspiration and the motivation that the film carries for young girls. The slopes, and the darkness of the night parallel to it, become metaphors for the internal doubts and struggles perhaps that women often have to contend with in not only the world of adventure sport but in any and all fields whatsoever.
The approach to storytelling remains devoid of any dialogue, more in the realm of obscurity than lucidity, communicating all action and drama through the intelligently crafted visuals on screen. It further eschews a traditionally structured plot while portraying a journey of courage, and invincible perseverance.
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