Breakdown | Short Film Nominee

Short Film Nominee June 18, 2024


By Gabriel Tibi with 6.7

comedy · Short Films · english

Two strangers cross paths with one another in a mundane manner - a cab drive late into the night. As the conversation proceeds, they realize that at the heart of this encounter is another shared experience, one defined by tragedy, that presents a relevant overlap. However, while they may have struck up a conversation without much effort right at the onset, it does in no way mean the rest of their journey, and night is going to be as smooth.

The journey from the first to the second point, from an initial suggestion of bonding to an extremely eventful and emotionally charged disagreement pivoting on politics, is mapped with ease, humor as well as notable chemistry between the two characters. Though a few rough edges make their presence felt in the department of sound, the actors and writing carry the film with gusto on their shoulders.

The end result, thus, is not only marked by humor, and drama but also an unexpected moment of companionship found in an otherwise isolating and sterile experience of a cab ride in an indifferent, uncaring city.
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